Perseids in anticipation

Well, Its 9.30pm BST and the sky is clear. The meteors should begin to appear from 10pm in the north east. My son's opening the trapdoor so we can watch from the comparative darkness of the walled flat roof. Meanwhile a petrified forest of cypresses found in an opencast coal mine in Hungary - 8 million years old. Thats what triggered the poem about the vanished eskimaux - oh yeah, and Tony Wilson RIP. Sometimes when I'm panicking about the minutiae of here I need these events to drip some perspective into my life. Serves to remind me our lives are a flicker in the vast gulfs between things. In the words of Herman Melville "More of these matters later". Now up to see the shooting stars while Sue and Adam watch "Big Brother" below. Its 10 to 10... 10 minutes to go!
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