Prove 2 VX-950 Vertex Trial Results Update

I finally got my result for Day 85, 29th March (see previous entries),the last day of the 12 week arm of the Vertex VX-950 PROVE 2 trial.
29th March Day 85 HCV RNA PCR TAQMAN 1220 IU/ml
And 2 weeks later (the so-called 'safety check' visit) -
11th April <30 IU/ml no HCV RNA detect
So, what does it mean?
Well, I was clear of the virus from the 29th day then, bafflingly, unexpectedly, produced this faint positive on the 85th day, 5 minutes before my final dose of VX-950. I'd had my last shot of interferon a week before.
Professor Dusheiko was "absolutely happy" with this reading, I'm reliably told by Dr Fleur.
"He believes its simply the expulsion of dead viral material and has seen this phenomenon before".
Now, in all honesty I'd normally be struggling with that... except for the fact of this negative result(no virus detected) 2 weeks later, (11th April).That lends credence to the professor's theory. From all the research I've done, I've never seen a case where its slipped back like that during the medication, only to disappear 2 weeks later when the medications ceased and all the defences are dismantled. It doesn't make sense. Unless he's right... and its gone for good - and its taking its dead with it. Lets hope so.
The only other factor which may have a bearing. Once the medication ceased and I was no longer prevented by the protocols of the trial I re-commenced my TCM (traditional chinese medicine) the following Monday with a herbal rescue package from the legendary John Renshaw at the Blenheim Project.
Now, I've no way of knowing exactly (or even approximately) whats been happening in the cellular labyrinth of my own body - however, I felt from the moment I started the trial that it had worked, and, equally curiously, when I ended it I was beset with viral dreams and plagued by anxieties that it was back. I experienced the old symptoms once more - sweaty, feverish, cold and aching, angry and obsessed. And none of that makes sense in frontal cortex daylight, even if it was back.
And now? Nothing. I feel great. Better than I ever have, more energy - physical and mental, more hope. Awash with ideas, unafraid. In short, its gone. Whatever malign hydra held me has been sloughed off. Time to trust my intuition again .... And the first thing my intuition tells me is to get down the Blenheim on Monday and get fully armed with herbs and acupuncture ... and a couple of months supply of John's own liver-friendly vitamin capsules.
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