Christ Erect - Before and After
I took the bottom photo with my mobile a few hours after that awful biopsy in December up on the 12th floor of the Royal Free Hospital. Physically, it was about all I could do at that point. I thought I may need it as evidence of my near-death experience or a memento mori for my loved ones! What family wouldn't jump at a horrible grainy image like that to cherish and iconise?. Post-bio, post-Finchley tornado, post-panic, post-tramadol.
The top photo is, hopefully, the last ghostly appearance of the interferon grey relic I became over the last 3 months.
Anyway,the holding pattern's over. I'm feeling great; headaches and fatigue gone, physical strength returning,libido rising (the modern version of "Then longen folke to go onne pilgrimauges") brain-fog receding, Happy Easter indeed.
I've already done a week of chinese herbs, courtesy of the excellent John Renshaw at the Blenheim Project, as part of my recovery from the treatment drugs, and started doing weights again. Running next, then sunlight - and a sober look at my position with SHARP. Time to stretch out a bit.
I have my 2 week 'safety' appointment next Thursday in order to check I've suffered no adverse effects from the Vertex VX-950. I haven't.
More importantly, I'll get my first post-treatment result which, hopefully, (definitely) will confirm sustained viral clearance (SVR) without the support of the interferon and vertex. Whatever the future, this drug is clearly in another league to its predecessors. My viral load dropped from 23 million to under 6000 almost immediately. this is almost a total clearance in less than 4 days. The residual 6000 a mere homeopathic shadow of the vast horde that preceded it. Firepower - comparing an anti-viral like ribavarin to an anti-viral like VX-950 is like comparing a flintlock to an AK47; both guns but there the similiarity ends.
FIRST MURDERER "Are we not Men, my liege?"
MACBETH "Aye, in the catalogue ye go for men, as hounds and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs, shoughs, water-rugs and demi-wolves are clept all by the name of dogs!"
Let it come down.
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