VX950 Trial for Hep C Update - 'The Unblinding'

Last Thursday was Day 71 of of my 3 month trial of Interferon and Vertex VX950. I had my eleventh injection of pegylated Interferon so I've one more to go. 2 more weeks of oral VX 250mg lozenges x 3, 3 times a day.
We finish on the 29th March which will be Day 85 with a finale of hourly blood tests to monitor the pharmo-kinetics of the VX/Peg combo. On this day I'll be told whether I've cleared the virus which has vexed my liver for the last 30 years. Unlike Prometheus I'll be free. I don't know for definite whether I'm possessed of an uncanny percipience, steeped in denial or awash with residual hippiesque naivete but I'm convinced right down to the DNA that its worked and I'm free.
If thats the case I'm going to be one of a select group of people who've cleared genotype 1b in 12 weeks rather than a year, and without ribavarin to boot. The next test will be to see if I'm still clear in 4 weeks, then 8 weeks. Each one of these chronological milestones safely passed geometrically increases the percentage possibility of a permanent cure - and I can begin to breathe again.
Right now I'm just counting down the days and relishing the prospect of being free of the 8 hour tyranny of the medication - first thing when i get up, last thing at night - and a permanent metallic taste in my mouth, arms constantly buzzing like nettle rash, a constant headache that roller coasters up out of the subliminal to full volume then down again, a seething wounded mass of intolerance and hypersensitivity that causes me to jump as though struck at the slightest sound and flare into homicidal rage and self-pity at the most atomic of perceived affronts ( like someone not immediately getting out of my way on the bus or the street). Yeah never mind the cure, just for today stopping the meds will be reward enough. More later...
Just to wish you SO much luck with the treatment. You will hopefully be cured, and as a side effect give hope to quite a few people who have been through standard treatment without succes.
I am on standard treatment and will take my last shot of interferon on thursday 22. I am a "lucky" genotype 3A, and things looks perfect so far.
PØJ PØJ ( throwing som luck at you in danish :-)
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