Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dietrich Fischer-diskau

I stumbled upon Dietrich Fischer-Diskau through his wonderful recording of Schubert’s Winterreise.  One of the great voices of the 20th century.  Rest in peace.

Thoughts on the new edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM V) The 'bible' of the psychiatric industry

DSM V - A work of enlightenment or a manual of oppression? or simply a very powerful and influential work of fiction whose contents reflect the fashions and pre-occupations of the times - and the vested interests of the industry it serves...

Philadelphia Association; some thoughts on our continuing fascination with therapy - the looking glass war

In it's short and turbulent history The Philadelphia Association has been torn by schisms, riven by dissent and stretched on the rack of credibility by viewpoints so incompatible as to defy accommodation on the same planet,  let alone under the same shrinking roof.

Some have likened it's uneasy evolution to a compressed history of psychoanalysis, seen through a glass darkly - Like Narcissus kneeling down at Camden Lock on his morning constitutional only to be greeted by a looming image of Caliban. Yet whatever the vexed complexities of it's histories, and the various migrations of it's members, it's houses have continued to provide asylum within the heart of the city, it continues to provide accessible therapy to those who wish it and it's training programme continues to produce excellent therapists. Just as Socrates would have felt at home at the PA (or, at least, at familiar and reassuring exile)I suspect both Socrates and Ronnie Laing would have approved the PA's entry into virtual community of Facebook. Long may the conversation continue!