Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thoughts on the new edition of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM V) The 'bible' of the psychiatric industry

DSM V - A work of enlightenment or a manual of oppression? or simply a very powerful and influential work of fiction whose contents reflect the fashions and pre-occupations of the times - and the vested interests of the industry it serves...


Blogger Nick Mercer said...

I'm submitting the following suggestions to the DSM 5 panel for consideration for inclusion.

Anthropomorphobia - a fear of Mickey Mouse - and his ilk.
Malbenophobia - the fear of withdrawal of benefits (often confused with girophobia - the fear of the lost giro - this last is often accompanied by secondary disorders - paranoia marked by an irrational suspicion of postmen and the like...)

Complicated Grief - either grief at a genuine loss that fails to respond to 6 sessions of CBT or a persistent state of overwhelming melancholy or mourning in response to an eviction from the Big Brother house - has already been accepted. Again, this last should not be confused with Nokiaphobia - the fear of the misplaced phone on Silent - as this is a serious and extremely debilitating condition.

6:10 pm  

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