9 Ullet Road Liverpool 17

Lived here round about 1975 to 1976. I was 24. I lived in the garret. Kevin and Gill in the top corner , Chas and Libby below and Paul Brown "Brownie" on the ground. I was working at the Customs and Excise till busted for dope and diconal - traces in a syringe.
A synopsis of that wonderful terrible eternal summer of '76 would be Ananda Marga initiation, the thrill of opening a stolen DDA from Lark Lane chemist, o'd'ing on a £2 bag of stevie jones chinese heroin (and we used to complain about the size), o'd'ing on cocainer chrystals made soluble with dilute hydrochloric acid - i thought my head was going to explode from the pressure, Gill o'd'ing on diconal in a locked flat and me climbing down from the roof through the skylight to rescue her (dike stashed by a chimney stack till the ambulance had gone - then me and kevin, remorse over "shes gonna be alright" scrambling for the works.
Oh yeah, and practising western magic on the flat roof - chalk drawn circle triangle and wand surrounded by stars invoking the 4 quarters describing great pentacles in the air with my sword. Out of the body experiences, glimpses of other worlds but unable to articulate that wild creativity that electric connection with all - sad and lonely through it. active addiction only defence against the rawness of it.
I feel it now but stronger , I am finally able to stand and be seen. I love. I am loved. I feel.I am unafraid,I am connected, I am no longer alone, I never was, I am still, thank you god.
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